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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 30, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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the bay. nice for halloween though, guys. nice and dry. >> thank you. captions by: caption colorado good morning to our viewers in the west. sit wednesday, october 30 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." right now the woman in charge of rolling out the president's health care law is facing an angry congress. cbs news learns the white house had weeks of warning. >> only on "cbs this morning" a u.s. soldier rescues a translator that saved his life. we're there reunion. mark phillips is in the town using the bright idea to see the light. >> we begin with a look at today's eye opener your world in 90 seconds. >> i'm as frustrated and angry
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as anyone with the launch of you deserve better. i apologize. >> secretary sebelius faces a grilling on capitol hill. >> house republicans have been calling for her head over the botched obama care roll out. >> i hope what we hear from se sebelius is resignation. >> the nsa keith alexander says the u.s. has never gathered phone and e-mail you records of citizens in france and spain. >> there has not been a mass casualty in the u.s. since 2001. >> wall street stocks at an all time high. >> storm led to a series of deadly crash on an arizona highway. >> i jumped out and took off running down the road.
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>> nine hours to catch a black bear. >> a young boy jumped up on stage. a security guard bribed him with candy. >> a baby moved to tears by her mother's voice. >> all that. >> lakers go onto win by 13. >> the cardinals flight from st. louis was delayed more than seven hours for tonight's world series. >> and all that matters. >> 2013 walter a ward. >> journalism is not about scratching the surface. it is about going beneath the surface and finding the truth. >> on "cbs this morning." >> krispy kreme will give you a free doughnut when you wear your costume. >> if you're willing to dress up to get a free doughnut then yes, this is rock bottom. >> this morning's eye opener
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presented by toyota. welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning norah. >> good morning to you charlie. >> as you wake up in the west we begin with the troubled obama care website. cbs muze confirms the top contractor sent the obama administration sent a memo three weeks warning the site had not been tested. >> health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius is testifying in front of the hearing. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning norah and charlie off the bat, sebelius apologized for the faulty website down again last night and this morning. she says contractors were to blame for the problems but also said as secretary of health and human services she is the main person accountability. >> i'm as frustrated and angry
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as anyone with the flawed launch of let me say directly to americans you deserve better. i apologize. i'm accountable to you for fixing these problems and i'm committed to earning your confidence back by fixing the site. >> marilyn taverner claimed the website appeared to be ready to go right before the launch date. >> how about before october 1st was there a sense there was going to be problems with the website? >> no. there are always going to be issues with a new website. what i would call customary glitches you see, but zblochlt that contradicts testimony from contractors that told law makes last week they informed two weeks before the launch that a test had crashed the website. three weeks before the launch the contractors sent this report
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warning there's not enough time for adequate performance testing. fred upton chairing today's hearing wanted to know more about what secretary sebelius was told and when. >> something happened along the way. fishes did not know how bad the situation was or they did not disclose it. sadly here we are five weeks into enrollment and the news gets worse by the day. >> upton has not called for sebelius to step down, but plenty of republicans have. 33 sent this letter to the president last week urging him to fire her. >> it's time for her to resign and someone else to take charge. >> reporter: secretary sebelius has brushed off calls for her to resign. she said last week most of the calls are coming from people a, she doesn't work for, and b, don't want the obama care website or programs behind it to work in the first place. >> nancy, thank you.
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president barack obama goes to boton today to talk about the affordable care act. it's based on a massachusetts program that began when romney was governor. major garrett is at the white house. good morning. >> good morning. advisors no longer deny it was a mess or millions of americans are frustrated because they have to switch policies even though they thought president barack obama promised they could keep them because their current policies don't conform to new obama care insurance requirements. same advisors are quick to say the following, website is getting better and will be fully working in a month. over time they will be able to find better coverage and possibly health care subsidies through the website when it's fully operational. what does massachusetts have to do with this? as you said norah, with the first date in 2006 to pass the law requiring universal coverage penalizing businesses and
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individuals that didn't sign up. the website had a tough roll out. people waited until the last minute to sign up. some parts of the law were delayed. over time satisfaction grew and most residents liked the law. that will be the president's message today. bumpy startups are nothing new for changes. obama care will eventually work out. that's a tough message but the only one the white house has. he goes to massachusetts to deliver it. >> thank you. top intelligence leaders are challenging reports the u.s. has been monitoring phone calls by millions of europeans. the national security agency director alexander testified yesterday on capitol hill that european spy agencies shared those records with the u.s. >> to be perfectly clear this is not information we collected on european citizens. it represents information that we and our nato allies have collected in defense of our
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countries and in support of military operations. >> at another hearing, national sbel intelligence directors was asked about monitoring allies. he said american friends spy on the united states. >> some of this reminds me of the classic movie casablanca. there's gambling going on here. it's the same thing. john miller is here. >> good morning. clapper used the same one i used monday. either we think a like or he's a viewer. >> which is it? >> in the name of full discloe disclosure disclosure, he was my old boss before this job. >> let's get to the point. we do it to them; they do it to us.
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is there something special aboutnyabout germany and chancellor merkel that makes them want to pay more attention to her? >> the answer is no. if you sit in the president's daily briefing, the hot items are terrorism nuclear prif ration. germany doesn't come up nor does merkel. there are times when there's a strategic issue that comes up where germany's position might be an issue. somewhere buried in the pdb there might be analysis. this is finished intelligence. what you take off somebody's phone is raw intelligence. in that analysis it may say merkel is saying to supporters she's going this way or germany is going that way. generally it's not a top of the pile item germany. no offense to germany. >> the headline we learn had the this accusation that we collected 60 million phone calls
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in a month from spain. actually they pushed back hard on this. europeans gave us that information. why such a hard push back on that? >> first why the delay. they had to go to ally countries and say we share this information and going to ask to disclose that. they said go ahead. this is something you and i talked about the other day. if you watch homeland if they hit the house and grab a cellphone and say we haven't seen this cell phone. it may be his. the first thing you want to know is who he's talking to. dump what's in the cell phone. second thing is where is it talking to? people in the united states? is that a plot to blow up something in america. you run that against data to say what numbers has it spoken to in the united states. spain and other countries want to get in on that. they say we don't have the servers to save billions of phone records. they say when you run that
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terrorist phone call is it talking to someone in spain? it's a service we provide. >> everybody does it to everybody. what about russians and the device they gave? >> that's a g 20 summit russians gave out a goody bag with all kinds of cool stuff for the g 20. one of the things in it was a new phone charger. this was the one i like. when you have a device like this you plug into your phone, it's supposed to put juice into the phone. it can also take data out. first of all, any g 20 delegate who goes and takes a goody bag that has something you can plug into your phone -- the other thing was a thumb drive to plug into your computer either immediately throw that away or give it to somebody they don't like. when the president is former head of the kgb has a guy saying
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please have present for you, phone charger. >> give it to your friend. >> plug it into your computer at least five minutes. >> when you plug this into the phone -- anything you can plug in into a port you can take data out. >> it really works to spy on people. >> and it can charges the phone. it's a dual purpose device. >> where can i get one of those? >> what it's for, it will download contacts and numbers. in that it will give the intelligence service that's giving out the trojan horse the tools to get other select numbers -- >> perhaps tomorrow. >> media reports that china is calling a car attack near tiananmen square an act of terrorism. three suspects drove an suv into a crowd monday. they were kill along with two tourists.
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dozens were hurt. a statement on the blog said nooif, iron rods and propaganda were found in the zuchlt police believe they belonged to a minority group in china. the dow jones industrial average and s&p 500 opened new record highs. stocks soared yesterday despite the release of a gloomy report. cbs news analyst and melanie hobson is in chicago. good morning. > good morning. so a new high for the dow. what's driving this? >> corporate america is in great shape. 68% have beat expectations. it's not just one industry. this isn't just finance or the tech headlines we've been reading. it's broad based not just america the entire globe. if you look at america, it's s&p
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up 24%, dow up 19%. if you look at uk the foot say up 17 dax in germany up 24. nikkei in japan up 60. all of this proves what warren buffett said many time despite what we saw in washington markets are stronger than government. >> therefore markets are strong. what about the disconnect and what's the bad news? >> the bad news is that unemployment remains stubbornly high. we're at 7.2%. 11 million people in this country are still out of work. for those people who do have jobs wages have been really stagnant. people aren't making more than they made in 1999 unless you're at the top 1% of this country. for those people who own a home 15% still have their home under water, meaning mortgages are more than their house is worth. all of that has meant consumer
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confidence has taken a hit. we're at a nine month low. that's been driven by what happened in washington in the last month. confidence got shaken. the gap between the wealthy and poor continues to grow. melanie hobson thank you. there's growing outrage over the deadly shooting of a 13-year-old california boy by a sheriff deputy. andy lopez was killed in santa rosa. the sheriff deputy said he shot him because he thought lopez was carrying a real gun. it turned out to be a toy. more than a thousand protestors marge marched through the streets yesterday. friends remember the victim. >> i have so many memories. it just hurts. i can't believe he's gone. i have sisters. we've all played with bb guns and all that. it could have been my sisters. >> lopez was buried tuesday. the deputy who shot him has received threats.
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he is being given security while on leave. a dust storm is blamed for a pile up in arizona. visibility was near zero when the dirt blew across interstate 10. it caused a 19 car crash killing three and injuring 12 others. police say it's one of the worst chain reaction accidents in years. tonight is game six of the world series in boston. st. louis cardinals face a must win situation. the players will have to look past what could be an omen trouble with the team's flight. red sox up three games to two. mark is in fenway mark. i'm extremely jealous of where you are. how did you get that assignment? >> come on norah to fenway pa -- fenway park. >> this is game six. they'll win tonight and their
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season is over. they almost didn't make it out of st. louis at all. they had mechanical issues causing nearly a seven hour delay. pulling in just before 1:00 p.m. central. not the way they expected to go into tonight's game. i want to give you a sense of how long it's been since a night like this has come for boston fans. the last time the red sox won the world series in game six here at fenway park was 1918. it was world war i, a ball park hot dog which locals call fenway frank costs 10 cents. the average ticket was only $1.65. the famous green monster behind me which has terrorized opposing pitcher, only 310 feet from home plate, that wall wasn't built yet n. 1918 red sox beat chicago cubs in six games here at fenway. it was babe ruth's second to
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last season playing for the red sox before being sold to the yankees. that was the first time the star spangled banner was played at any major sporting ooefrt in this country. 95 years later, red sox nation is hoping for similar game six magic tonight. the theme of the season here in boston has been boston strong. it's a motto born after the marathon bombings in boston on patriots day april 15th where three were killed. boston strong has been a symbol of rezil ens. >> thank you very much. i hope it's okay to be a red sox fan and hope for a game seven. >> time to look at today's headlines. recipients find out today how much monthly payments will go up next year. cost of living adjustment is expected to increase 1%. that would be the smallest hike since adopted in 1975.
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the sac advisors will plead guilty to the multibillion hedge fund and pay criminal penalties of we are looking at partly cloudy skies around the bay area this morning. the temperatures a little chilly in spots in the north bay valleys, down into the mid- 30sthere right now. 40s and 50s elsewhere outside. i think as we head toward the afternoon, mostly sunny skies, the temperatures will be a little bit warmer today as high as 68 degrees in livermore. 57 and cool in pacifica, and 60 into san francisco. halloween should be more sunshine and warmer weather, staying dry through the weekend. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kohl's. kohl's. expect great things.
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i promised you i was going to get you home. sorry it took five years. the government fight that almost kept this reunion from ever taking place. a marine veteran died saving kids in a school shooting. days later his widow remembers his bravery. >> he told the kids he would protect them. that's exactly what he did. he would you do it for anyone he
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loved. batteries to jump start your brain. the controversial treatment for memory and more. the news is back this morning. stay tuned for your local news. and more. the
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remember what's important. let's be optimistic. but just in case -- let's be ready. toyota. let's go places, safely. ♪ ♪ man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. wisest kid? we need a new recipe. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. so good! [ wisest kid ] at [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good!
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the woman charged with d-u-i in the crash that killed a menlo park hi, everyone. good morning. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated on some kpix 5 headlines now on this wednesday. the woman charged with dui in the crash that killed a menlo park couple is due in court this afternoon. 54-year-old marjorie reitzell has missed two court appearances after she complained of chest pains. newly released surveillance video shows four suspects in the shooting of a nightclub worker in downtown campbell. police say the victim is now recovering. and ac transit's board of directors will meet today in an effort to come up with ways to increase the ridership. the idea includes day passes and eliminating time restrictions on transfers. >> that's your news. how about your traffic and weather? that's coming up right after the break. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest
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good morning. big backups in fairfield both directions westbound and eastbound 80. there's a traffic alert that's been issued for an earlier truck fire. the fire is out but lanes are blocked. you can see the worst delays in the commute direction of westbound 80. out towards the bay bridge, where it is stacked up for 20 minutes to the foot of the maze. that is your latest alaska. here's lawrence with the forecast. >> patchy fog around the bay area a little chilly to start with this morning. haze in the atmosphere as well looking toward russian hill. i think by the afternoon more sunshine on the way. some chilly 30s in the north bay valleys right now. 40s and 50s elsewhere. by the afternoon, we are going to check in with sunshine and 68 in livermore. 67 san jose. 60 in san francisco. next couple of days some warmer weather for halloween.
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pope francis spoke to families around the vatican this weekend but a young boy stole the show. his name is carlos. he wanted on stainless. you can see he wouldn't have leave. even a bribe from a security guard didn't work. pope francis gave him a hug and gave him a seat in the pope's chair. the pope took it all in stride. that's a great. what a great picture. >> and what a great pope. >> what a great pope. you know that's surprising because most you know 5, 6-year-old 6-year-olds, you give him a piece of candy or an ipad, and they leave. but he wanted to stay. a new look at a teacher who gave his life to save others at a school shooting.
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he was also a devoted husband. now a way dough shares her final moments with michael landsberry. >> plus batteries can jump start a smaller car, but what about batteries that jump start a brain. we'll talk about a device that people are using on their own pulled off the internet. of course, we ask this morning, is it safe. that's ahead. we have an update to a story we first brought you last month. an american soldier attempted to bring an afghan soldier back. jan crawford was there for a story you'll see only on "cbs this morning." jan, good morning. >> well, good morning, charlie. good morning, norah. this is a story about a soldier's determination to uphold a promise. despite years of roadblock and bureaucratic red tape all to save the afghan translator he says saved his life during a battle and became like a brother
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to him and last night the soldier's first words to the soldier were familiar, a common greeting in arabic to put him at ease in his new home. the last time they saw each other, matt zeller and he were in afghanistan, fighting side by side against the taliban. >> i got my last member of maya it in home. i can breathe a sigh of relief for the first time in five years. i got my buddy home. they reunited late last night. he flew into washington's reagan international airport. the last leg of 15-hour journey out of afghanistan i i'm glad we finally made it. >> reporter: did you ever think this was not going to happen? did you ever give up hope? >> i had a brother here to fight for me and i was thinking that i can make it. >> reporter: for zeller it was a fight for his life. >> in 2009 my name was on the taliban's kill list. >> reporter: he became a marked man after two were caught in a
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taliban am busch in eastern afghanistan. >> we saw the first truck was plun up by an ied and i saw he was away from the other units and shooting against the taliban. >> reporter: zeller said that's when shinwari shot and killed two insurgents sneaking up behind him. >> i mean he saved my life. >> and you saved my life. >> well we're even. >> reporter: zeller was at the airport hours before shinwari's flight landed anxiously scanning crowds for passengers. >> i can see him right there. he's walking. >> reporter: shinwari his wife and two young children were among the last off the plane. it was zeller who helped make it happen, a promise to a man he said became like a brother to him all those years ago on the front lines. >> what hi prompted to me he did it. >> reporter: what did he promise? >> he promised me when he was leaving, he told me one day he would bring me home and the united states is my home. >> reporter: by all accounts
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afghans who serve alongside u.s. forces, those like shinwari would kill insurgents to save americans are now under dire threat of taliban retribution. >> when i was in afghanistan, each minute of my life i thought i would get killed. >> reporter: after years of waiting he and his family got visas under a special program for afghans and iraqis who fought alongside u.s. forces but then two weeks later, crushing news, the state department revoked the visas. those involved in the case believe there was a bow was threat called in by the taliban. there was no safe haven. zeller was clear to not accept it. he was clear what might half if ship wary stayed. >> he'll die. no doubt about it. they would send us body parts of interpre teter as a message for
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us to quit now. >> reporter: you can see that as shinwari's fate. >> i can't bareear to think about it. >> reporter: after massive efforts, lobbyists to reconsider the vee sass were reissued. the shinwaris' case was an exception. >> there are thousands of people in the same situation. >> reporter: thousands. thousands. >> we've been able to get out fewer than 10% of the people we could have. if they wanted to harm americans they had all sorts of chances. >> reporter: tens of thousands of visas were allocated for iraqis and afghanistans who risked their lives. just a few were issued leaving many in harm's way. >> they call them traitor of islam, they call them american spies. >> reporter: shinwari and hi family no longer have to fear the taliban. for that they had to leave a lot behind.
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just 48 hours ago shinwari was praying at his father's grave saying his good-byes. now they're in america ready to start a new life an american soldier by their side. >> it's your country now. welcome home. >> now shinwari and his family spent last night in virginia. they're going to move tomorrow into an apartment that zeller and a charity furnished complete with clothes and toys. one of the reasons he's so happy to be in the united states is his children can go to kindergarten and school. he said in afghanistan the children learn to carry guns but in america they carry pencil and paper. >> what great story, jan. incredible. >> you would hope anyone watching this would try to eliminate all the bureaucracy that would limit the number of people. >> it says a lot about captain zeller character and those who serve in our military. >> and his persistence.
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>> and keeping a promise. and students at sparks middle school return to school this week for the first time since a deadly shooting on monday. a 12-year-old student shot and killed michael landsberry, a math teacher who tried to stop the boy. now his widow is talking about their last morning together with our afill yet from ktvn. >> he was my everyone. >> reporter: there wasn't a day that went by that they didn't show their love for each each other. every day he left for school he'd leave a note. >> he'd get my coffee mug out and leave a note. hey, my beautiful wife have a good day i love you. >> reporter: sharon saved almost
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every one of those notes. >> that morning he left i heard the last words from him, have a good day, my beautiful wife. when we get home we'll go for a walk. i said me to. have a good day and an he walked out the door. >> reporter: about an hour later he was shot. >> a teacher's down? >> yes. >> when i first heard this going and i didn't get a text message back from him, i knew and when it transpired that it was on school grounds, i knew exactly what he did. i knew he stopped it. >> reporter: michael was trying to talk down the 12-year-old when he himself was fatally shot down. sharon wasn't surprised the former marine and teacher of 12
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years had the courage to step up. >> he always told the kids he would protect them and that's exactly what he did. he would do it for anyone he loved. >> the shooting happened three days after the couple's fifth wedding anniversary. still, sharon isn't holding on to any resentment. >> i had a love that most will never experience and i'm so greatful i got a chance to experience it with him. i'll continue to move forward. i'll be strong and do something positive out of what's happened. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker. >> what a tragic story. >> she sounds like a pretty good wife as well. >> yes. and the fact that he would leave her little post-it notes on her coffee cup, have a good day, my beautiful wife. coming up, we'll talk about this. this is a do it yourself -- come
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back here. >> i'll hook it to my brain and you'll -- >> this is actually about batteries. it's kind of rudimentary. >> and it's also something very big, whether election trow stimulation can affect performance. >> it can also burn your scalp, but we'll talk about that. ♪ ♪ [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®.
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bar® dark. have you found your balance™? [woman]ask me... [announcer]...if you think the best bed for one of you might be a compromise for the other one... [woman]ask me about our tempur-pedic. [announcer] they're sleeping on the newest tempur-pedic bed... the new tempur choice... [man]two people.two remotes. [announcer] firmness settings for the head,legs,and back... and with tempur on top,that famous tempur-pedic comfort comes any way you like it! [woman]ask me about the lumbar button. [man]she's got her side...and i've got my side. [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. [woman]don't touch my side! heart healthy, huh?! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. ♪ ♪ this week at kmart, get 50% off costumes. and, shop your way members get an additional 10% back in points. plus, fun size candy is 2 for $5. kmart. get in. get more halloween.
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in our "morning rounds," jump starting your mind an experimental device. it improves memory mood and motor skills. it is being tested as a treatment for depression and autism. she's direct over the brain stimulation division at the university school of medicine. she's also the chairman of the department of psychiatry.
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tell us what the principle is at stake here. >> this is tcds which stands for trance current cranial stimulation and the principle is the brain acts on stimulation. these are weak electrical currents that come out of a battery modulated by this device. it polarizes the brain, making brain areas charged and more -- closer to the threshold where you can bring them online or use them to do things like memory function or modulating your mood, for example. >> why do we need this type of electrical stimulation? >> well, we do have selective treatments, but there are still things we can't treat such as treatment for depression or autism. we need to help people recovering from stoke. we have psycho therapies using noninvasive brain therapy stimulations.
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using devices like this allows us to have new ways to modulate the brain. >> does this relate to election trow shock and things that have come up before in medical treatment? >> this uses direct current. they polarize the brain. they don't stimulate the brain. >> so the safety profile is actually quite good. >> we wered edinterested because people were going on the internet and creating these devices at home. does that work? >> it is a concern, obviously. we're using the device in a controlled clinical trial. we're doing it under medical supervision. it matters where you're doing it at home. doinget at home are of a concern but there are places advertising this type of technology to enhance normal function. >> is it risky? >> there are risks, certainly, so i would be concerned about that. >> but have you done it?
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>> not personally. >> wouldn't you want to experiment and see wait'shat it's like? >> we have done piloting with it. what you feel is ting willing but it goes away and is we are looking at partly cloudy skies around the bay area this morning. the temperatures a little chilly in spots in the north bay valleys, down into the mid- 30sthere right now. 40s and 50s elsewhere outside. i think as we head toward the afternoon, mostly sunny skies, the temperatures will be a little bit warmer today as high as 68 degrees in livermore. 57 and cool in pacifica, and 60 into san francisco. halloween should be more sunshine and warmer weather, staying dry through the weekend. one brand of hot sauce is burning up the market earning $60 million in one year but some people say they're paying the price for sriracha's success.
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only on "cbs this morning" we take you inside the plant at the center of the controversy. this story is popular in my house. that's ahead. >> announcer: cbs "morning [ male announcer ] what's in a can of del monte green beans? ♪ ♪ ♪ if i was a flower growing wild and free ♪ ♪ all i'd want is you to be my sweet honeybee ♪ ♪ and if was a tree growing tall and green ♪ ♪ all i'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves ♪ grown in america. picked & packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life™.
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♪ ♪ [ barks ] ♪ ♪ [ barking ] [ male announcer ] now get free installation on all stainmaster carpet. nice. my husband's going to love this one. [ male announcer ] never stop improving.
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this tow truck operate irmay want to look for another job.
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after several attempt he finally succeeds and then the car ran into a ditch. >> it went over and collapsed. chili's lunch break combos starting at just 6 bucks. served on a toasted pretzel roll our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here. [ kelly ] people say it's really hard to follow a healthy routine. guess what? you can do it. that it's almost impossible to eat healthy. but you can do it. that you can't improve your mouth's health with a toothpaste. with colgate total® you can. [ male announcer ] colgate total® does more than protect. it fights germs for 12 hours. in 24 hours starts to fortify enamel. and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you see? for better mouth health, use colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. you can do it! ♪ ♪ [ barks ] ♪ ♪ [ barking ] [ male
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announcer ] now get free installation on all stainmaster carpet. nice. my husband's going to love this one. [ male announcer ] never stop improving. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts
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watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness... accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding or paleness. since enbrel helped relieve my joint pain, it's the little things that
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mean the most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald good morning, it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. the shooting of 13-year-old andy lopez last week by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy could renew one california lawmaker's fight to get a bill passed that would require all toy guns to look like toys. the idea is to make fake guns translucent or brightly colored. the sheriff's deputy shot lopez after thinking he was carrying a real gun but it turned out to be a pellet gun. someone broke into a san jose elementary school and stole $70,000 worth of laptop computers and ipads over the weekend at river glen elementary school. parents spent two years raising money to buy the technology. the computers' value falls below the insurance deductible, so they won be replaced soon.
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stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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good morning. they are beginning to re-open lanes in fairfield after this car fire shut down traffic on eastbound and westbound 80 in fairfield. it's approaching the air base parkway exit. the westbound lanes are reopened. it is still really stacked up though to at least davis street. eastbound one lane blocked still slow in both directions. out towards the bay bridge toll plaza, backed up into the maze, also very slow down the eastshore freeway. that's your "kcbs traffic." here's lawrence. >> we are looking at patchy fog around the bay area this morning a whole lot of sunshine coming your way though and it should be a garbarge, day. temperatures warmer but we have some chilly spots now down into the mid-30s in santa rosa, 39 in napa. 46 in san jose and 52 in san francisco. this afternoon, we have some 50s and 60s for highs. the next couple of days, halloween looks very nice with some warmer temperatures.
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♪ good morning gayle, good morning, charlie, good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 a.m. in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning ". millions of americans will pay more for insurance. jill schlesinger looks at how it will affect families and the future of our economy. no illusion mirrors are bringing light to a dark corner of norway. the town that's waking up to a new dawn. neighbors say a hot sauce factory is bringing them nothing but pain. a look inside the home of sir siracha. i'm accountable to you for fixing these problems. and i'm committed to earning your confidence back by fixing the site. >> right off the bat, secretary
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sebelius apologized. she brushed off calls for her to resign. >> they no longer deny the health care website was a mess. >> a new height for the dow. what's driving this? >> corporate america is in great shape. >> china's calling a car attack in tiananmen square an act of terrorism. >> the fact is they almost didn't make it out of st. louis. >> a marine veteran dies saving kids in a school shooting. his widow remembers his bravery. >> i knew exactly what he did. >> an american soldier reunited with the afghan translator who saved his life. >> did you ever think this was not going to happen? did you ever give up hope? >> i had a brother here to fight for me and i was thinking that i can make it. >> to be a red sox fan and still hope for game seven. >> red, so es that's really all that's happening at my house right now. i don't know if kids are being fed. >> is this part of the deal when
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you marry ben affleck. >> one of many deals. this eye opener @ 8 is presented by benefiber. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the secretary health and human services ss is facing critics on capitol hill. kathleen sebelius is testifying. she's blaming the health care website problems on some of the contractors hired to create the site. se bell use says they did not meet expectations. >> white house officials say americans will pay an average of $328 a month for midlevel coverage under obama care. joe schlesinger is looking into those prices and what they mean for your families. what are you finding out this morning? >> it really does vary how much you're going to pay. it varies on how much you make right now. where you live. and what type of insurance you choose. so the pricing is all over the place from state to state, and you can't even that average is a silly number because so many
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people are paying above or below that. >> are most people going to have to pay more on this plan? >> no. here's how it breaks down. about 38% of the people who are uninsured will fall into a category where they would be eligible for medicaid. that's for core people. and for some states they've accepted dollars to expand their medicare programs. then there's 51% of people who will get subsidies from the government, and they should be able to pay sort of a reasonable amount and probably less than what they're paying now. it's the 10% who are getting slammed. these are people who make more than that level at which you get a subsidy. so for example, this is a family of four that makes more than $94,200. those people are going to pay more for insurance across the country. >> can you explain -- we've been reporting first and jan krafrd has, about how many people are going to have to pay more for insurance. these are people who are
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individually insured. why will they have to pay more? because their core plans don't meet the minimum requirements required by obama care? >> absolutely. and many insurance companies have been able for years to offer these interesting kind of insurance plans. you pay a huge deductible. you got bare bones coverage. if something really bad happen we're covering you but we won't cover your doctor's visits. under the affordable care act there's a minimum level to be offered. insurance companies are saying to offer that minimum care of coverage i have to raise your premiums. >> can i stop you right there. i saw the aetna ceo saying yeah we have to cancel a lot of plans. the minimal plans don't cover it. so do insurance companies make out huge under this law? >> it's hard to say. there's also going to be a huge risk for these companies. unless you can cherry pick young, healthy people to be part of your insurance plan then you have risk. no discrimination based on whether you're a man or woman or
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pre-existing condition. >> is there a risk that people won't sign up. >> i think there's a huge risk. >> and if they don't. >> if they don't there's a huge risk this plan goes down the tube. >> the affordable care plan goes down the tubes? >> absolutely. i talked to three actuaries at big insurance companies they're running their numbers. and their numbers are predicated on young, healthy people sign up for coverage. all insurance is based on large pools of people. if we're not going to say we can exclude older, sicker people -- >> the age of 30 what is young? >> young is basically under the age of 35. >> police in china say five people are under arrest in a suicide car attack near tiananmen square. authorities are calling it an act of terrorism. three people drove an suv into a crowd monday into beijing. they were killed along with two tourists. seth doane is in beijing. good morning. >> good morning to you, norah. yes, that's right. authorityies here are calling it
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an act of terrorism striking right in tiananmen square which in many ways is the symbolic heart of china. this, of course was the square that was the site of that massive 1989 student protest and uprising and the bloody government crackdown that followed. i wasn't far from the square in the middle of the day and could hear those sirens when that white suv went careening into a crowd of people killing two tourists and the three people inside. now, we are hearing that those are indeed suicide attackers. the police here in beijing started circulating names and were reported to sound like members of the uighur muslim minority from shengdong province which historically has had great tensions with the central government. this terrorist attack happening really at the symbolic haeft of this country in broad daylight. president obama is hearing tough new criticism of his
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foreign policy. in an interview yesterday former vice president dick cheney said he doesn't trust the president -- trust the president to stand behind israel and keep nuclear weapons out of iran. >> you don't believe he has the best interests of the united states in terms of our national security in the middle east? >> i don't believe he does. >> you don't believe his word can be trusted? >> correct. >> that's a serious question. >> it certainly is. >> to say that to the president of the united states. >> that's right. >> in a democratic country. >> but i think this president is doing enormous damage to our standing, to our capacity to influence events. we are rapidly eroding our ability to have any impact on what's going on in the middle east. the last time we walked away from afghanistan, for example, back in the '80s, we'd been there heavily involved supporting the move against the soviets but then we turned around after the soviets departed. they got a civil war and osama bin laden and the training camps and the 19 guys that came here with box cutters that killed
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americans on 9/11. what will be different this time when we withdraw? >> vice president cheney said he believes israel should attack iran's nuclear facilities. a small town in norway is lighting up with excitement this morning. ruukan is tucked in a narrow valley and never gets sunlight in the winter. but that changes today. they threw the switch on the world's largest solar mirrors. you get all the good stuff. good morning to you. >> good morning, gayle, norah, charlie. well, we're standing here in the glorious sunshine in the middle of norway. actually the reflected glorious sunshine. way up there on the mountainside, you can see what is actually a series of mirrors reflecting the sun down into the little town of ruukan. it has taken them 100 years. the mountains of norway are a good place to generate hydroelectricity, but this far north and in valleys this steep,
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they're not a good place to get a suntan in the wintertime. for six months of the year beginning in october, the sun is so low in the sky, it never reaches the valley floor where the town is. the founder of the town a foresighted industrialist, recognized the problem and put in a cable car to take the residents up the hillside and into the sunlight to keep them from getting a terminal case of carren fever during the long dark winter. even with norwegian stoicism the woman who leads the tourism authority says it can be a tough place to live. >> if people get sun, they'll be more healthy and they'll work better. >> if they get shade and shadow and darkness not so much. >> yeah, that's true. >> but modern technology may now have solved the problem. instead of bringing the people to the light, they've figured out a way to bring the light to the people. an array of mirrors has been installed on the hillside programmed to track the sun across the sky and reflect it
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down into the town below. well, not into the whole town just into the town square. still, that may be enough. it makes a difference even that little bit of sunshine in the whole big dark town it makes a difference? >> it makes a difference. and this is the center of the town. >> so here we are and apparently it's worked. the sun is now flooding down here. but it was a touch and go thing this morning. you can control the mirrors, but you can't control the weather. for the longest time there was cloud cover here. when we awoke this morning, the whole valley was full of cloud and they stalled and they stalled and they played music and they made speeches. then finally the clouds cleared and the mirrors focused the light down here in the center of the town. a large crowd of people have gathered. they had a big party. and now they can celebrate that way for the next hundred years. gayle, norah charlie? >> all right, mark. for mark phillips they said let there be light.
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>> don't you find though you are in a better mood when you have the sun and the light. >> i'd be depressed with six months of no sunlight. >> don't you think that too, charlie? >> yeah. >> i'm happier, get a better tan. >> so important for a girl.
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the creatorf the creator of "the millers" says will arnett knows what's funny. will is here in studio 57 today to talk about his new cbs sitcom and the future of his other hit show -- i love this show -- "arrested development." this morning's eye opener @ 8 is sponsored by benefiber. better it with benefiber. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber.
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[ female announcer ] dove invited women to test their body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™ mr. rollback here... halloween is coming and you won't believe walmart's scary-good october savings event. like these batman, superman, captain america and other great kids costumes only $16.97. even big savings for the little ones. get more for your money at the walmart october savings event. well i drove grandpa to his speed dating this week so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the
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weekend pop. [ man on radio ] there's an accident on the freeway that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. ♪ ♪ ♪
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he defines america's success success. he built a $60 million empire with some pepper but now his factory could make you sick. we take you inside the sriracha plant. i like saying sriracha. >> sriracha. hot. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by party city. this halloween be a character.
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party city. nobody has more halloween for less. vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare
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these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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female announcer:
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when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ so you may be a fan of ketchup or mustard. maybe you like relish but the topping stealing the show today is a hot sauce called sir rah-rahrah sriracha. along with the flavor he finds
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burning controversy. >> reporter: in los angeles this past sunday the line stretched down the block for the first ever sriracha festival. there was sriracha ice cream, sriracha apples and even sriracha drinks. it's been rated by "bon a petite." >> reporter: roy choi created the sriracha head sauce. ours were the first tv cameras led inside the brand-new $40 million sriracha plant in irwindale, california. this month is peak production. 200,000 bottles. the rooster on the bottle is his
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astrological sign. >> if you don't like my partner, what happens with you, okay? something's wrong. we do one of the best the freshest, the cheapest. >> there are those people who say it's too spicy. >> use less. >> just use less. >> yes. >> the main ingredient in sriracha is spicy red jalapeno pepper. they're grown on this farm 100 miles away. dave underwood owns the farm and started working there. next year they'll plant 4,000. >> from the time they're picked to ground it's about six hours. that's important to david. he wants them red spicy, and tasty. >> reporter: when the peppers reached reach the plant they're washed, crushed
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crushed, mixed and stored in these blue barrels. >> how many are stored in these blue baseballrrels? >> around 200,000. now it has him in hot sauce with his neighbors. neighbors filed a suit asking them to shut them down until they can control the mel and they're all getting sick. >> we had a bridal shower. people were choking hacking. >> reporter: there's a lot at steak. last year their revenue was $60 million. >> did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine you'd be running this? >> i never thought that we'd make money on something like that. but it keeps me business, always every day. make more and more product. >> reporter: he's been perfecting his product for more than 30 years.
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after the vietnam war, david tran fled with his family to the united states. he started mixing hot sauce in barrels on the streets and sold it to l.a.'s growing asian community. he named his company huy going foods. he did it without the help of any investors. >> i want to thank him. he accepted me as a refugee. i try to do something to give back. >> tran says he wants to be a good neighbor and will work with the city to reduce the pepper smell, but while he may not be popular with his neighbors, to sriracha fans this 68-year-old is the hottest thing around. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, los angeles. >> that is an american story. >> i love it. makes me want to try it. he says if you don't like my
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product, something wrong san jose elementary school your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. it's 8:25. time for news headlines. someone broke into a san jose elementary school and stole $70,000 worth of laptop computers and ipads. more than 60 of those devices were taken over the weekend from the technology room at river glen elementary school. later today san francisco police chief greg suhr will hold a town hall meeting to discuss this past weekend's officer-involved shooting. officers shot a suspect who was on the run after shooting another man. and police are hoping to speak to a man who may have information on the death of a woman in a san francisco hospital stairwell. investigators say the man told a supervisor at general hospital he saw someone lying in the stairwell october 4. four days later, lynne
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spalding's body was found. stay with us, traffic and weather coming right up. pepper jack cheese, mushrooms, jalapeños, bacon tomato and avocado. i call it, "the avocado da vinci". create your om'lart with denny's build your own omelette menu. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
8:27 am
female narrator: the mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning. we have a couple of accidents slowing down the morning drive including one leaving san francisco. southbound 101 at cesar chavez one lane is blocked and things are backing occupy on the skyway on 80. also -- are backing up on the skyway on 80. fremont avenue northbound 85 three-car accident in lanes, traffic stacking up behind it.
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usual slowdowns up the nimitz freeway. northbound 880 just north of the oakland coliseum, that's when you begin to see those brake lights up towards downtown and if you are heading towards the bay bridge you're backed up for 20 to 25 minutes all the way through the macarthur maze. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." with more on your forecast, here's lawrence. >> starting out with patchy fog around the bay area this morning but i think a lot of sunshine throughout the afternoon. still, some clouds over russian hill now hazy, temperatures a little chilly in spots down to the mid-30s into santa rosa. 39 in the napa valley and 40s and 50s elsewhere. this afternoon, we should see sunshine temperatures in the 60s inside the bay, valleys 60s into livermore, gilroy sunshine and upper 60s there, as well. and 50s out toward the coastline. i think as we look toward the next couple of days, we are going to see plenty of sunshine coming our way, some warmer temperatures on thursday, halloween looking good through friday cooler over the weekend.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour you all know will arnett as the oldest sons of the bluktth family on "arrested development." will arnett is in our green room. hello, will arnett. he now plays a local news reporter in a cbs comedy. it's a good one. we'll see if he's picking up any. help yourself to the breakfast in the green room. >> i've had more than my share. >> you're welcome. we'll show you a film that we thought was lost to history. a film created by a genius. that's ahead.
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right now we show yo this morning's headlines from around the globe. forbes lists its world's most powerful powerful. vladimir putin. obama drops to two. they're followed by xi jinping and pope francis and angela merkel. an anonymous fan bought one of the beatles' home near penny lane. it inspired the tune with the very same name. "price is right" will celebrate the birthday of bob baerk. he turns 90. he'll come back to present a special showcase. he retired in 2007. >> i love "price is right."
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i love bob barker. it's on the bucket list. >> she can wear the big name tag. norah. >> they look at chief correspondent bob schieffer. hi was honored with the excellence in journalism award. he said the need for journalists is greater than ever. it could create more than a million jobs by 2020. researches say less than 60% of working women choose careers in technology and only 2% have the right education to fill those spots. michelle miller went to indianapolis to see why the digital divide has the tech world world. >> it's exactly why these
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students never considered computer science growing up. >> my main problem was the stigma around it. oh, you do computer science. you must be anti-social and not talk to anybody. i don't know if it hurts young girls more than boys but it definitely affected me a lot. >> i thought it was really cool to be able to make a program and to be able to customize it. it involves a lot of creativity and it's very clap rahhive, which is what people don't think. >> welcome to the 2013 celebration for women in computer. >> that's what attracted them and more than 4,000 other women to the grace harper conference in minneapolis. >> we need women to lead along with men. >> here industry leaders like facebook's chief operating operator sheryl sandberg talked tech and featured the future.
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jobs that can pay upwards of 40% more than the average career salary. >> when you look out here and see all of these women, diverse crowd of women -- >> i love it. >> reporter: maria is the president of harvey mudn college. they've quadrupled their female students. >> you have to have women believe they can succeed. you have to have people being ll to say i can do it. i'm female. i can be a scientist. i can be a math ma tishian. i am a scientist and a mathematician. i'm an engineer. >> how is it that women start to realize it is a perception and it is not the reality. >> you know our image of who's a computer image and computer software is a geeky guy with no life. we have to shine a bigger light
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on people doing great things. >> reporter: molly wong has taken up the task of being a full-time recruiter. >> we had posters up like beyonce started come pewter science, can you? so we had like posters all around. all these different apartments. we attracted 200 students to come to our party. we broke down all the stereotypes for them like we really don't just code in the dark we do fun stuff and collaborate. our projects are awesome. it spiked. it like doubled. >> a spike they hope continues to grow. why are women needed in the mix? >> if we don't have women in computer science, we're missing half of the population and if you don't have a diverse work force, diverse teams working on it, you get crummy solutions. so you need women at the table. >> more women in an center
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that's expected to create 1.4 million new jobs by the end of the decade. for "cbs this morning," michelle miller, indianapolis. >> you know, this is a real issue because in 1984 something like 37% of computer science graduates were women. now it's 13% and yet these jobs pay 40% more. so the wage gap is going to get worse if there's fewer women in fields like this. >> don't you always think, charlie, things are better when women are involved? >> absolutely. one of the biggest mistakes a country can make is not take advantage of 50% of the population. >> that's warren buffett line too? is it. >> or similar. >> i like to think i think like warren buffett. >> or warren thinks like you. we'll take a look at a new cbs show "the
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it's estimated that 30% of the traffic in a city is caused by people looking for parking. that's remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. streetline has looked at the problem of parking which has not been looked at for the last 30, 40 years, we wanted to rethink that whole industry so we go and put out these sensors in each parking spot and then there's a mesh network that takes this information sends it over the internet so you can go find exactly where those open parking spots are.
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the collaboration with citi was important for providing us the necessary financing; allow this small start-up to go provide a service to municipalities. citi has been an incredible source of advice how to engage with municipalities how to structure deals and as we think about internationally, citi is there every step of the way. so the end result is you reduce congestion you reduce pollution and you provide a service to merchants and that certainly is huge. he neefrl stand up to the moon. he's a chicken. a chicken. >> i don't like that you called me a chicken. but that's over now. i have nothing to prove. >> [ making a chicken sound ]
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>> that's not a chicken sound. chickens don't clap. >> he stars in a new comedy called "the millers." he plays a local news reporter who finds himself living with his very overprotective mom. >> wrong again. no one is thanking you, no one. >> for 20 years i've harbored feelings of hate of my very own brother, feelings that ultimate ultimately led to me keeg his car. >> you did that? i had to add words, nathan suction at not being awesome. it's a double negative that means i'm awesome. look what you've done with us. >> let's see. shall we start with the chicken dance? lord knows you love doing that. >> we can talk about the years that went into final my shining
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moment of doing the chicken dance. >> will some people come up and say, will you do it and aren't you like are you over it? >> i don't know that they say often but they do ask me on the subway. i'll say, i don't know if this is a great place for it. >> chickens don't clap. >> that's right. >> so you're playing a recently divorced dad and you finally tell your parents and that leads to your dad saying you know what? i'm not happy with her either and your dad says he wants a divorce and hilarity ensues. >> yes. it's sort of a domino effect of people in search of happyiness in a later stage in life. >> did you read this and think i want do this? this is a very different character for you. will arnett doesn't play these kind of rolls. >> yeah. i liked playing characters that were inherently flawed ant outside the center and me doing this sus playing a character much closer to me and i really related to it.
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i wanted to do a show that was much more relatable. >> did you learn anything about playing a news reporter? >> i learn houd difficult it is especially if you're a local reporter. you have to do -- you're kind of a jack of all trades. have to do -- you have to do -- >> you have to carry your camera, do your own stuff, everything. it's not that glamorous. >> yeah. but it's a great character. >> yeah yeah. >> it's a good thing that netflix is bringing back arifted development. >> yeah. it's a great thing. it was the kind of thing that the movie could not have been anticipated even three years before we agreed to do it and it turned out to be a great home and a great way to watch that show. >> will, it comes back six years after you guys had gone off the air. was that something you cventsecretly hoped would happen?
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>> it was always talked about. it was a secret notion that we'd do a movie? are you going to do a movie? >> i'm going to confirm right now and look into the camera -- no. think it might be a little premature but there will be more arrested development to be consumed and whether that's in an actual movie format is not really my decision, but it's something we're going do more. >> but consumed in theaters. >> potentially. >> potentially. >> potentially home theaters. >> we have a great shot of you and you've about got two little boys. i mean you're recently divorced so now you're a single dad but you get to drive them to school but that's an upside right? >> for sure. yeah. that's my son archie at the hockey game. yeah. you know it's great. it's such a great time. we have two beautiful boys three and five and it's such great ages to really enjoy. >> i'm glad you're protecting
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his ears during the rangers game. i i'm very nervous. i spent years listening to a lot of -- a lot of people might not know what a walkman was. >> we do. >> i know. >> walkman, click. >> i know. >> but, you know -- for years with the headphones. >> will arnett continued success. >> yes, we love the show. >> great to have you. >> and everything you do. you can see will and "the millers" thursday nights at 8:30 right here on good old cbs. and later this morning a surprise for orson welles fans. years before he made his first professional film. it was thought lost to the world in a fire but it wuchblt i'll have that story coming up on "cbs this morning."
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he strikes him head on. the plane. >> 75 years ago today a young orson welles delivered that rendition of "war of the worlds." broadcasters sparked fear when they thought the invasion was real. >> years earlier he made his first professional film but no one could find it for your decades. as don dahler shows us the search is finally over. it's a story you'll see only on "cbs this morning." >> reporter: at the eastman house in ro which ester, new york film buffs gather for an extraordinary premiere. the film is called "too much johnson" from 1938 formed by none other than or son welles whose work remains a benchmark
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of historical significance. >> it constitute as bridge between the theatric kaka rear or orson welles and its involvement with cinema. it's thanks to "too much johnson" that orson welles fell in love with cinema. >> reporter: he was 28 years old. he continued to use the short movie as a novel way to introduce audiences to the characters of a stage play he planned to bring to broadway. >> he found out he couldn't show film he ran oust money, and he was told paramount had the film rights and it was a disaster so he stopped. >> reporter: for half a center "too much johnson" was lost. the only copy was thought to have been destroyed in a fire. but last year they showed up in
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a cannister in warehouse in italy. >> we find films all the time. there are thousands of orfilms to be discovering u but orson wrels, this is extreme. >> reporter: the film some badly damaged, were brought to rochester for restoration. film preservationist tony and his team managed to save 96% of the original material. >> reporter: when you sit here and you're looking at the light board, do you get an appreciate for his eye? >> you do. it's one of those things when you look at the film i think you get a sense of orson welles' as a film marek. for film historians the film significance goes beyond the
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story headline. >> shot after shot you can see orson wells trying a certain camera angle. trying a certain framing. what you see in "too much johnson" will be fully released in that master piece called "citizen cane." it was a film so revered it makes the discovery of "too much johnson" all the more significance it's an innocent film. film made by a genius who city did not know. >> it remains in the vault history and closes the doored on one of its greatest mysteries. for "cbs this morning," don dahler rochester, new york. when i see that i wonder how many other things would have been marvelous that would have been lost or destroyed.
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remarkable films and videotape. >> i keep thinking about that ti
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your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego with your kpix 5 headlines. the woman charged with dui in the crash that killed a menlo park couple is due in court this afternoon. 54-year-old marjorie reitzell has missed two court appearances after complaining of chest pains. 13-year-old andy lopez was killed last week by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy who thought he was carrying a real gun but turned out to be a pellet gun. the shooting could renew a fight to get a bill passed requiring all toy guns to look like toys. the idea is to make fake guns translucent or brightly colored. surveillance video shows four suspects in the shooting of a nightclub worker in downtown campbell. police say the victim is
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recovering. now here's lawrence with the forecast. >> we are starting out with patchy fog around the bay area but lots of sunshine, i think, coming toward the afternoon. the temperatures are going to be warming up a few degrees. still a couple of clouds over coit tower right now. high pressure building in slowly today but it will be enough to help to begin to warm the temperatures up at least a few degrees into the afternoon as high as 68 degrees today and sunny in livermore, 65 in vallejo and 68 in santa rosa. inside the bay cooler, nice, plenty of sunshine, temperatures in the 60s. out along the coastline, we'll find mostly sunny skies this afternoon highs only in the 50s. looking out over the next couple of days, of course your halloween forecast looking very nice. temperatures up tomorrow afternoon, even warmer on friday. and a couple of spooky looking clouds coming our way over the weekend but no rain in the forecast. >> all right. your "kcbs traffic" is coming up next.
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you got to love the weekend. it's like everyone came to "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks.
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any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. good morning. a five-car crash in sunnyvale is off to the right-hand shoulder. seeing delays lined it but not as bad as we were with northbound 85 right before fremont avenue. towards the east bay now northbound 880 the nimitz freeway still a slow crawl at 8:58 this morning. you're back up from 238 out towards the downtown oakland exits for a drive time of more than a half hour between 238 and the maze and continuing southbound a long line of red sensors from union city down into fremont. bay bridge backed up to the maze.
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ee y interest-free financing. mattress price wars ar soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
9:00 am
wayne: i get to pick a box! i get to pick a box! jonathan: it's a diamond ring. (screams) wayne: bringing sexy back to daytime. jonathan: it's a trip to the bahamas! (screams) - this is so crazy! - “let's make a deal” coming up let's go! jonathan: it's time for “let's make a deal.” now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey america welcome to “let's make a deal.” i'm rady. you know what we're going to do, we're going to deal. three people, let's go. three of you. three of you. let's see. the german beer girl german beer girl. there's one. afro. afro. dollar signs. dollar signs. everybody else have a seat have a seat. stand over there for me, darling. all right, all right. stand over there for me. and last but not least. oh, th


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